The Tempest
Episodes 40 - 53. Originally released on October 28, 2010
Show NotesEpisode 40 | The Tempest Blows!
The Tempest – Intro
We begin our third series with one of Shakespeare’s last plays- a mysterious island, inhabited by spirits, monsters and survivors… wait, is this about Lost?
Leis a lurrighan by Ceili Moss courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 41 | Don’t Rock The Boatswain
The Tempest – Act I scene 1
A ship bound for Naples, is caught in a violent storm. If you thought Ophelia had “too much of water”, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Lovesong, by Dont be a Stranger, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 42 | Dark Backward Abysm Of Time
The Tempest – Act I scene 2a
Safe on dry land, it’s story time as we meet a couple exiles; Prospero and his young daughter, Miranda. If you fall asleep, blame it on the magic.
Another Man's Vine, by Tom Waits, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 43 | Servants Of Air And Earth
The Tempest – Act I scene 2b
Behind every great sorcerer, you'll find great servants- enter Ariel, and Caliban. Show me the magic!
The Mermaid, by GreatBig Sea, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 44 | "For I Am Nothing If Not Critical"
The Tempest in review!
In this episode, we'll take a look at Julie Taymor's version of 'The Tempest', as well as a few other versions, like Forbidden Planet and Shakespeare Behind Bars.
Cheers To You, by Dust Rhinos, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 45 | The Son Becomes The Father
The Tempest – Act I scene 2c
Poor Ferdinand... His father is drowned, his friends are lost, and he's stuck on a lonely island without- wait, a girl! You live around here?
Simple Magic, by Marina V, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 46 | Melted Candy Conscience
The Tempest – Act II scene 1
Time for some villainy, as we catch up with the King, and his sea-swallowed court.... do I smell regicide cooking? Good thing Francisco and Adrian are around.
Lion Sleeps No More, by Amaryoni, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 47 | Drunken Shakespeare
The Tempest – Act II scene 2
Caliban, unhappy with his current job situation, makes a huge career shift, and takes company with the recently unemployed, Trinculo, and Stephano. Featuring the voice of Peter Petropoulakos, as Trinculo.
Drunken Sailor, by Blaggards, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 48 | It Must Be Love
The Tempest – Act III scene 1
In honor of Valentine's Day, we peek in on the lovers. It's not nice to spy, but since Prospero's hiding behind that bush over there...
I'se The B'y, by Great Big Sea, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 49 | The Dangers Of Sleeping
The Tempest – Act III scene 2 & 3
Caliban plots a murder with his new master, and Prospero throws a dinner party for King and company; guess what he's serving...
Crazy Dreams, by Jolie Holland, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 50 | Waiting To Combust
Celebrating 50
Join me and guest G.Robin Smith (Playwright, Fundraiser, Shakespearean), as we talk Tempest, DOLTS, Shakespeare, and even a little Ben Franklin, on this special 50th episode.
Episode 52 | Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This
The Tempest – Act IV scene 1
Pageant time! Now that Ferdinand is off the hook, and the lovers are free to be together, it's time to celebrate... but the end is near.
I'll see you in my dreams, by Nicole Cardi, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Episode 53 | Deeper Than Did ever Plummet Sound
The Tempest – Act V scene 1
This is it, the end! Nothing left to do, but break and bury the staff, drown the books, and say goodbye to the magic. Oh, and also set Ariel free.
Magic Man, by Heart, courtesy of music.mevio.com