Special Episodes
Show Notes
171 | Shakespeare Sundays
We introduce our new show, and premier the first episode.
Originally released on September 7, 2014
Episode 126 | The Voice & Speech Episode
A look at how to speak the speech, with a natural, balanced voice, and not bore the audience.
Originally released on April 23, 2014
Episode 119 | Celebration 450!
This is the episode where we celebrate Shakespeare's 450th birthday.
Musi:c Divertissement by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Originally released on October 23, 2013
Episode 110 | The Episode for Actors
On this special episode we take an in depth look at the craft of acting Shakespeare; The tools, skills, and awareness you must develop in order to competently serve an audience.
Originally released on April 12, 2013
Episode 100 | An Hundred Times
We celebrate our 100th episode with email, a brief history of theatre- maybe a little Henry VIII- and much more!
Hal an Tow, by Damh the Bard, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Rite of Passage, by Kevin MacLeod
Additional voice work by Tom Synnott-Bell
Originally released on January 13, 2012
Episode 73 | Willing Expansion of Belief
It's the Iambic Pentameter episode, where guest G.Robin and I discuss the heartbeat of shakespeare's verse. Hold On, by Tom Waits, courtesy of music.mevio.com

Episode 66 | The Live Episode!
Variations on Taming of The Shrew, performed by Ehren Ziegler and Kymberly Tuttle- Recorded live at CraftLit live: New York by Knit! Organized by Heather Ordover from the CraftLit podcast, at the Soho Gallery for Digital Art (John Ordover, curator). A good time was had by all!
Originally released on April 18, 2011
Episode 55 | The Episode for Teachers
In this special episode for teachers, we take on Shakespeare in the classroom- it's all about identifying the obstacles, and perusing strong objectives.
Originally released on April 6, 2011
Episode 54 | Thrusting Shakespeare
In this special episode, join me, Heather Ordover, and Arielle Lipshaw, as we talk Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, and all things Shakespeare... mostly.
Company of Fools, by Great Big Sea, courtesy of music.mevio.com
Originally released on March 15, 2011
Episode 51 | Idus Martias
Enjoy the Ides of March, with Chop Bard's remix of one of Shakespeare's most iconic speeches- Mark Antony, from Julius Caesar. (Vocals provided by Marlon Brando courtesy of MGM's, Julius Caesar, 1953)
Originally released on March 10, 2011
Episode 50 | Waiting to combust (celebrating 50)
Join me and guest G.Robin Smith (Playwright, Fundraiser, Shakespearean), as we talk Tempest, DOLTS, Shakespeare, and even a little Ben Franklin, on this special 50th episode.
Originally released on September 10, 2010
Episode 37 | Ladies of Hamlet
Hamlet special - Guest actor, Kymberly Tuttle, and I speak about the women of Hamlet, Shakespeare, and somehow end up with a little Brecht in the mix. It's difficult to keep on topic with so many ways to play it!
Originally released on October 30, 2009
Episode 15 | The Halloween episode
Happy Halloween, from Chop bard!
Originally released on October 17, 2009
Episode 13 | The Intermission Episode
We take a brief intermission from the tragedy of Romeo & Juliet and talk about Orange-girls, the authorship question and... intermission.
Originally released on January 20, 2009
Episode 6 | A largess universal
Caught up in the monumental event of the day, we take another brief break from Romeo & Juliet to address the Shakespearean quality this swearing in of the 44th president of the United States has taken on.
Originally released on June 27, 2008
Episode 1 | Tearing into Will!
Let slip the dogs of war, it’s our first podcast! In this episode we introduce ourselves to the world, make the claim that we are the cure for boring Shakespeare, toss around some knowledge to show we're not punks, and offer up some tools to help dissect the plays, all in the name of entertainment.